A SONDER Ensemble collaboration
The actress wears a fish-head mask throughout the entire film and is otherwise "dressed" almost exclusively in paint.
The metaphorical reference to this rather classic "hero's journey" is underpinned by the film's synopsis, which states: "The meaningful attempt to welcome and recognize culture/s is diluted. The spiral becomes a circle from above." The Baltic Sea could be reinterpreted as the Mediterranean, the plastic bag as a lifeboat and the odyssey itself as a (failed) attempt at integration. However, the focus could just as well be on an ecological theme with species extinction, overfishing and littering of the seas. These are just two of the many conceivable interpretations, and all would be correct and valid!
In the surreal short film "Landgang", a creature who is washed ashore after an extraterrestrial journey to our world.
Project Participants